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family history on web site

Family History

Convener: Joan Broxholme
Location: Ilfracombe Library
Date and Time: 1st and 4th Monday 2.00 to 4.00pm 
Cost: £2.00 to include refreshments.
Should there be small numbers for any reason then a little extra is needed to meet the cost for the venue.

Discover your family history with our u3a group. There are eight desktop computers in the Ilfracombe Library where we have the space entirely at our disposal. Some members prefer to bring their own laptops/ iPads to research their family’s history. The library has access to the Ancestry website.

We are a group where there is no teacher but where we all help each other. It’s a fascinating hobby which turns up some intriguing facts.

See our Blog for more information on this group.

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